Friday, October 30, 2020

Sample Data Analysis Work -

The aim of this study is to deepen our understanding of endurance (marathon) runners and their underlying personality traits. In essence the study aims to explore why psychopathy may be a predictor for how many marathons a person runs with psychopathy being defined by Levenson’s self report psychopathy scale?

Objectives of study

The central question that this project asks, is: Is psychopathy a predictor for marathon running? In particular, this study will address the following hypotheses:

H0: Gender and age of marathon runners does not impact psychopathic traits.

H1: Repeat marathon runners display a higher level of psychopathic traits than single marathon runners.

H2: Secondary psychopathy traits will be more prevalent than primary psychopathic traits in multiple marathon runners.

H3: Time passed since last marathon impacts the level of psychopathic traits.

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