Today, we will talk about completing the Dissertation Data Analysis Chapter Writing. This is the chapter which follows the research methodology chapter. We shall discuss the case when the chosen methodology is 'Quantitative'. In the Data Analysis chapter for a Dissertation or Thesis ( As the case may be depending on education system of a country), research candidates should make a careful choice of the software to be used to do the data analysis. Where is the data is obtained from primary research, suitable options are Excel, SPSS or Statistica. When the no of variables and respondent size of dependent variables are big in number(usually more than 300) and regressions or mutlivariate analysis is to be used, SPSS , E-Views or Stata is used. Choice of any statistical software is purely dependent upon data and what was learned during the academic course. To clear the air, results obtained from any of these software for the same set of tests applied under same conditions will be exactly the same. However, the output tables from all of these software's look different and hence might look different at first glance.
Another important factor to be considered while conducting the statistical tests is cleaning of data. Dummy data sets or incomplete data needs to be first cleaned up before putting on tests. For Structured Equation Modelling (SEM), AMOS is used. Here a theortical model is tested after collection of data. SEM is used as a predictive tool in many business and hence it is finding increasing relevance in academic studies these days.
Statistical Analysis ususally forms of two parts namely: Descriptive & Inferential. For completing the data analysis chapter, both these parts of statistical tests should be completed and presented. A well documented data analysis (For both PhD & Master's) would include a brief description of the data, how the data was cleaned up and providing a rationale for choice of statistical tests. For example, you should mention, why you choose to do a 't' test instead of ANOVA. After mentioning these details, statistical output screens should be copied in the word document. For each table (Whether descriptive or inferential), you should provide a brief interpretation report of the results obtained in that table.
At the end of data analysis chapter, there should be a summary of the findings of this chapter. Since, many candidates do not have exposure to statistics, completing this chapter becomes a block delaying the entire research process. At Dissertation India (, we provide ethical and expert Dissertation Statistics Help for Master's or PhD research scholars. Our Statistics Service is comprehensive and starts with direct consultation with statistician. Once your project details are clearly understood, we embark on the project and provide you with timely updates on the work progress. This Service (Dissertation Statistics help) has been a boon for research scholars for over a decade now. With over professional team of 24 PhD statisticians, we are the industry leaders in this service. You can get in touch with us for a free consultation at or call at +91-11-27357534.
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Compare the strength of a team with the capability of a lone player and you will know that the efficiency of a team is always greater than that of a single person. Dissertation writing also becomes productive if you have a reliable team working with you. A partner who has requisite knowledge will be an asset while writing a dissertation, as he can contribute valuable insight to the research.
A reliable statistics help service is the one that follows all the prescribed rules and delivers the work on time. The first part regarding rules and regulation includes the requirements regarding format, language and citation styles, use of right software and correct presentation of the results. Every university has standards that need to be followed and, the dissertation is not properly evaluated if it does not observe the citation style, or the language is not up to the mark or if the analysis is not done using the correct tests. The same applies to the authenticity of matter. The reliable thesis statistics service will ensure that there is no plagiarized matter in the dissertation. A plagiarism check is run, and report on the level of authenticity is delivered to the researcher.
The second aspect of timely delivery is as essential as the first. A deadline is fixed for the completion of statistics chapter by an institute and failing to comply with the same amounts to the dissertation getting rejected or attaining less than satisfactory evaluation. Our statistics service (Popularly known as Dissertation Statistics Help) completes the work on time, even if it is urgent. The team that delivers the work realises the significance of punctuality and delivers each project on time.
Transparency in operations is another feature of our service. The statisticians are in direct contact with the researcher and they constantly provide updates about the progress being achieved in the dissertation. They provide a list of references being used in the dissertation, so that the scholar can check the references and further use them for research. They also undertake unlimited revision of the work, based on the feedback of the scholar and the review committee’s suggestions. Thus, the service turns out to be a trusted friend of the scholar. Send in your requirement today at